Thursday, February 25, 2010

Oil painting: linseed stand oil?

I'm trying to paint with oils using linseed stand oil and it sucks. it's like i'm painting with superglue. i can't even really paint. i'm REALLLLYYY annoyed. should I not be using it?!? I don't have anything else and I really want to paint right now.Oil painting: linseed stand oil?
Linseed stand oil is more for mixing with turpentine to create glazes.

You should use plain Linseed oil while you paint. Linseed oil is about the consistency of olive oil and works well to add some fluidity to your paint.Oil painting: linseed stand oil?
try thinning it a little with turpentine or mineral spirits. That should make it less gluey.

I usually work in layers and I use stand oil.

BUT, I don't use it on itself.

In my case, I like working with Liquin (an alkyd medium).

So what I do is on the first layers I put more turps and a bit of liquin. Then as I move on, I start adding less turps. I maintain the amount of Liquin since if I add more, the upper layer may dry faster and we don't want that.

Now, when I'm working on later layers I start adding a BIT of stand oil ( I use Talens). It helps to disguise the brush strokes and gives a nice glow to paint.

It works fine for me and for many people.

Make sure that you buy a good brand.

Kind regards,


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