Saturday, February 27, 2010

Oil on tin painting: civil war soldier and wife? help me figure out?

I found this at a yard sale and bought it, but don't know if it is worth a penny or not. it is a painting on tin metal? and about 6x9';, the man and woman sitting next to each other and the man looks to be in uniform, and the woman is in a lacy, heavy dress, looks victorian maybe. I can't find any kind of signature anywhere. can I dtermine age by figuring out the uniform? it is obviously really old, not reproduction.Oil on tin painting: civil war soldier and wife? help me figure out?
Reproductions can easily be faked. You'll need to show it to an expert to get a good idea of it's value. Maybe start by checking with your local public library, they should have books (remember those?) on art and collectibles...

Oil Painting - Your input needed?

I'm doing an oil painting but I need some ideas of what to paint. This is totally open ended, but I'm not that talented with drawing people or animals, so if you know anything I could paint discluding those, or minimaly including them, I would love to hear your ideas! Thanks!

- KatOil Painting - Your input needed?
I would suggest still life. Landscapes are really difficult - well, at least I think so! With a still life you can paint inside and have control over what you paint and composition and lighting. Try interesting shaped vegetables and fruit, or fabric, or a cool vase.

Good luck!Oil Painting - Your input needed?
Go outside. Sit down. Paint whatever is in front of you.
landscapes are very easy to paint. Buy the Bob Ross the joy of painting videos to learn. Its fun and easy to learn.
Paint whatever your heart desires.

hooray for being corny!

Oil Painting Question and Tips?

Since winter doesn't want to end ive decided to pick up the hobby of painting to pass time. Im trying to get some tips and have a couple questions. First: Do i need to let the paint dry between layers cause i seem to like making ';mud';. And also are there any tips that would make painting a little easier or smoother.Oil Painting Question and Tips?
If you don't want to let the paint dry between layers, you can paint wet on wet, which will allow the pigments to mix. However, if you don't want the pigments to mix, it's better to let the paint dry between layers. Oil takes a while to dry, but to speed up the process you can add either Cobalt Drier or Japan Drier to the paints. You can find these pretty much wherever you can buy paints.

To smooth the paints out you can get oil medium (ie- Liquin). More medium will make the paint more transparent, but you can use small amounts to smooth paint out and make application easier.Oil Painting Question and Tips?
You can wait for the paint to dry but you don't have to. I can paint on fresh paint without making mud but I couldn't at first because I was putting too much pressure on the brush. Your second question is easier to answer: Have fun and your paintings will become better. Here's your homework: Go out tomorrow and paint outside were poeple can walk up to you and ask questions. You will find that painting in your home is much easier.

I am looking for information on this oil painting.?

I bought it at an auction in the SFO bay area. They claimed it came out of a museum in San Jose that shut down years ago. The artist name is in the r/h lower corner and is printed ';Giorigo'; . It has the appearance of an Aztec warrior holding a dead maiden horizontally in his arms. colors are vibrant. If needed I can send a picture of it. Thanks MikeI am looking for information on this oil painting.?
I don't think it is a museum-quality painting. It looks almost like a still from a film made into a poster. Are you sure the name is Gorigo, it could be Giorgio.

How do i clean an oil painting?

Use a very soft brush and warm water with just a touch of dish detergent. Once it looks clean take the same brush and use cool water to rinse it . When you do this stand the painting up so the water does not penetrate it to much even though it won't hurt it, you don't want to soak the canvas.

Water really won't hurt the canvas because water and oil don't mix. Just don't soak it.And remember a very Soft brush and take your time .Pat it dry when you are finished with it.

I have done this many times and it works for me.How do i clean an oil painting?
If it's an old or valuable painting, I would have a professional do it.

It would be very easy to ruin the painting because you don't know what you are doing.How do i clean an oil painting?
with luck?

Need help with sketches and oil painting.?

I've transferred my sketch to my canvas, but now I'm kind of stuck. I tried to paint over a sketch on another canvas and I lost all my detail. Is there any way I can paint over my sketch and still have it show through? I've heard watered-down, thinned acrylic works, and so does applying a thin layer of gesso, even using permanent marker or ink. Will any of these options work, and/or there any other options?Need help with sketches and oil painting.?
I know exactly what you mean. When i first started i had the same problem. I now apply a thin wash of acrylic over my sketch as well as do some acrylic underpainting. Depending on how thick you apply your paint i suppose a sharpee marker could be used (i wouldn't go this far) but it will show through if paint is applied too thinly and some paints will not cover it at all. Gesso will surely cover your sketch and make it hard to see.Need help with sketches and oil painting.?
What pencil did you use??? Try using a 6B or higher pencil lead. That should show through....try it out on a different sheet of paper first....Or you could just paint kind of free handed...i don't think your gonna want to see the pencil lead in the end, but its your painting...

Hope everything works out for you.
  • skin itching
  • I have a oil painting signed by vandruff. trying to find out about the artist and the value of the art.?

    This painting was purchased in the 1950's. The label on the back of the painting says Holmes Gallery New Orleans. Looking for any information on this painting. Thanks.............I have a oil painting signed by vandruff. trying to find out about the artist and the value of the art.?
    No idea if this is the right person but here's an artist named Vandruff:

    ';Olive Vandruff (1908- ) was born in Ohio and studied with Edmund Giesbert at the University of Chicago. She moved to Kerrville, Texas in 1950 and worked with San Antonio sculptor Pompeo Coppini. In 1960, she married Clarendon, Texas, artist Harold Bugbee. When Bugbee died in 1963, she assumed his position as curator of art at the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum, a position she held until 1986. Vandruff lives in Clarendon, Texas, and specializes in paintings of animals.';鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    And here's her death notice in the Amarillo Globe-News

    ';Web posted Sunday, January 12, 2003

    6:11 a.m. CT


    Olive Vandruff Bugbee: The longtime curator of art at the PPHM died recently.

    Courtesy Photo


    Memorial service set

    A public memorial service for Olive Vandruff Bugbee will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Hazlewood Lecture Hall at Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum in Canyon.

    Vandruff Bugbee, an artist and longtime curator of art at PPHM, died Jan. 4 at age 94.

    Born in Ohio, she spent much of her childhood traveling the Southwest. She moved to San Antonio in 1931, where she worked as a commercial artist. From 1946-48, she studied with painter Edmund Giesbert at the University of Chicago.

    She returned to Texas around 1950 and began to paint easel paintings. By 1953, she had already had six solo exhibitions. She met Western artist H.D. Bugbee of Clarendon in 1960, then married him the following year and moved to Clarendon.

    Upon his death in 1963, she succeeded him as PPHM's curator of art, a position she held until 1982. She continued to volunteer at the museum until November.

    Vandruff Bugbee worked in several media, including pastel, watercolor, casein and oil. Her paintings are found in public and private collections across the country.';

    Like I said, this is a shot in the dark... Perhaps it's the Vandruff you're looking for. Perhaps not.

    My best to you in your research


    Looking for a oil painting?

    I am looking for an oil painting. I saw it at the Christian book store many years ago. I didn't get the artist name and I have felt bad ever since then that I didn't buy this picture at the time.

    This is a train at a train depot and then in the picture you can see where this train is on the way to take people to heaven.

    This picture was about 500.00 and I was trying to wait until that weekend before I bought it but when I went back it was gone. No one in the store could give me any information. I have been asking for years now if anyone knows about this picture or who the artist is.

    Any help would be a true blessing.Looking for a oil painting?
    You should go back again to the store. All legitimate art sales have a paper trail, and they should have record of the sale. But because this painting was sold many years ago, I don't know how much luck you'd have. Maybe do a google search for images containing the things you describe, but it's kind of a long shot...sorry...good luck.

    How do you fast dry an oil painting? I try hair dryer but its still not working.Any chemical spray for this?

    I have put them in the trunk of my car before when the vehicle was in the sun, and they dried faster, but I am not sure if that would be fast enough for you. Don't dry TOO fast or the paint underneath will still be unstable.How do you fast dry an oil painting? I try hair dryer but its still not working.Any chemical spray for this?
    I know this won't help with this painting, but for future work use Alkyd paint, this paint is a fast drying oil and depending on how thick you apply the paint it should dry anywhere from overnight to a couple of days and be ready for varnish in a month. The only manufacturer of this paint that I know of is Winsor%26amp;Newton.

    Sprays are no good, if the top of the paint dries too quickly and the paint underneath doesn't then your painting will crack.

    Good LuckHow do you fast dry an oil painting? I try hair dryer but its still not working.Any chemical spray for this?
    Best answer I know of is to paint several works at once and to let them dry properly.

    Of course, I am not a painter -- I just read a lot, but the stories I've read had painters working in oils with almost ten paintings going all at once!
    Sarah B is correct. Drying sprays on the surface only dry a thin skin. The underlying paint remains wet until it soaks into the gesso ground or congeals through chemical action. It will be subject to damage for at least 6 months. If you must have oil paints dry quickly [ not a good scenario for future permanence] try using a little TEREBINE mixed with your colours. Only a small amount is needed. It is not standard practice but it does work.
    Set it in the sun. I wouldn't use a hair dryer.

    Normal drying time for an oil is 6-12 months.

    If you want to speed the drying time of an oil, use Copal varnish in the turnpentine as thinner while painting. Never spray anything on an oil painting until it air dries for at least 12 months. The only thing you should spray on the painting would be varnish.

    Stephen kaye oil painting swans in water, tulips in front 3ftby4ft numbered2116mm?

    the painting is on canvas, white tulips,almost a jump out at you painting want to know about it, it is extrordanary.the swans shadow cast off of water, beautiful peice of art work, need history.Stephen kaye oil painting swans in water, tulips in front 3ftby4ft numbered2116mm?
    The problem is that the artist does not have either a website nor a gallery that represents him. You simply cannot find his work on the web, and he's only mentioned briefly. If you're looking for history of this artist, you wont find it online.

    What are Oil painting mediums?

    You know, varnishes, turpentine, turpentine substitute, thinner, etc. What exactly do you use them for? What are their particular advantages and characteristics? ThanksWhat are Oil painting mediums?
    Medium is the substance the pigment is mixed with to make he paint. This is what makes different types of painting and drawing materials different. It's also one reason the different painting and drawing materials are called ';media';. (Oil, acrylic, watercolour, guache, tempera, pastel, etc.)

    Pigment is the material which gives the paint the colour. It is added to the paint medium as powder. In the case of oil paints, the medium is linseed oil. The medium binds the particles of pigment so they can be applied to the ';ground'; (painting surface) and adhere to it. (The meduium is often also called the ';binder';.) The linseed oil makes the particles of pigment appeart more luminous because it is more reflective, like glass, and alters the surface quality of each particle.

    Turpentine is a thinner which dissolves linseed oil. It is used to clean paint off of brushes and other painting equipment, as well as the canvass when you wish to remove paint from it so you can repaint. Turpentine can also therefore be used (mised with ';painting medium'; - see below) to apply transparent ';washes'; to the canvas, as in watercolour or acrylic painting using water. Turps dres (evapourates) very quickly, so such washes will dry quickly also.

    There are two kinds of turpentine you can use: ';mineral'; turpentine (the ordinary household kind) and ';pure'; or ';gum'; turps, which has a less offensive smell than ordinary turps (for most people).

    Painting ';medium'; is a mixture of varnish, linseed oil and turpentine which is mixed with the paint before putting it on the canvas, It changes the consistency of the paint to make it spread more easily and further (paint is quite thick straight from the tube) and shortens the drying time. Varnish dries quicker than linseed oil, which takes months to dry. You add the amount which gives the consistency you require for a particular purpose. It dilutes the paint, so you can add enough to make anything between an opaque layer to a translucent glaze of colour (particularly the final glaze over the painting). You also vary the amount of medium to vary the drying time according to how long you wish to re-work areas on the painting (dry slower) or paint over previous layers (dry quicker). You can add more turps to the ';medium'; to do ';washes';.

    There are different types of ';medium'; made of different ingredients (e.g. types of varnish). You can make your own ';medium'; by mixing damar varnish (available from hardware store), linseed oil and turps.

    You can buy ';non-toxic'; mediums and thinners which work as well as the ordinary types, but are more expensive..

    You also have to ';prime'; the bare canvas by painting over it with something. Commonly it is done with white acrylic house paint or ';gesso';. Gesso has to be sanded back and repainted in layers. It is prone to cracking, so is not ideal for use on canvas.

    To ';tone'; the canvas, you can mix the acrylic with paint colour, so that the surface you begin with is not pure white. When you apply the primer, the canvas tightens on it's frame, because it is wet, and stays tight when dry. So if you are stretching your own canvas, don't stretch it too tightly, or it may tear when you ';prime'; it.

    Pre-made canvases are usually already ';primed';, as is ';canvas paper'; (canvas glued to thick backing paper).What are Oil painting mediums?
    well, thinners thin out oil paint, turp cleans and dilutes brushes, varnishes you put on the finished painting to give it sheen, luster, or shine. Sometimes you gesso a canvas before you start painting. There are all types of finishes for oil paintings, matte, high gloss, no gloss, protectants..ect.
  • skin itching
  • What should i use to draw this (picture included)? Oil paints? Pastels? what?鈥?/a>

    There you go (:

    its a picture of my cat that i edited.

    and i thought it'd be a good picture to draw,

    but i don't know what to use for it.

    Anyone have any ideas?What should i use to draw this (picture included)? Oil paints? Pastels? what?
    Oil paints of course! or whatever you like. but do not use pastels, since that would really mess up the details. and just looking at the picture you can tell pastels wouldn't go at all! :)

    oil paints will be perfect for this.What should i use to draw this (picture included)? Oil paints? Pastels? what?
    I would say oil paints, though you could probably make it into a nice water color (or even colored pencil?). Those are the three things that jump to mind though. I am in no way a professional artist though. I just like to paint and draw a lot.
    I think that you should sketch the picture out and then when your ready to color it, you should use oil pastels or that can't mess up the picture.
    i think that watercolors would like gorgeous! i love the ppicture though, its so cute!
    You will be easy exploit your artwork with pastel. Oil painting expects a lot of material,time and skill. Good luck.
    I personally love acrylic and watercolor. This would look nice with watercolor, but I think pastels would be nice too.
    It looks like a natural for watercolor pencils to me.
    Acrylic paint or Pastel. Either will be good.
    I would use Oil's and pencil if i were you

    Original oil painting, Artistic Interiors, cert. no. is 174653, need artist name?

    I have an original oil painting I purchased through Artistic Interiors in 1982. The certificate number is 174653. It is a still life floral. I am looking for the name of the artist and information about the artist, as well as what I paid for the painting. Where can I find this information? Time is of the essence.Original oil painting, Artistic Interiors, cert. no. is 174653, need artist name?
    The very best - and quickest thing you can do - is to get in touch directly with Artistic Interiors. You can e-mail your question to them. At their site there is a proper form for you to fill in with your query:鈥?/a>

    And there home page is鈥?/a>Original oil painting, Artistic Interiors, cert. no. is 174653, need artist name?
    Do you have a picture of the painting? It would be very helpful.

    Try to contact the company you purchased it from -- if they're not available, then short of a picture it will be very difficult for anyone else to get access to their archives with such limited information on the work and its origin.
    Hi! There are many people asking similar questions. There are several bouncing around the internet:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    These should give you a frame of reference as far as today's value. I don't see that this firm is still operating, you may want to enter one of the forums on-line for inquiries such as this. Basically, these were paintings for home decor purposes. Best of luck!

    What can anyone tell me about a Kujal oil painting?Asked by GiGi?

    Just wondering I have oneWhat can anyone tell me about a Kujal oil painting?Asked by GiGi?
    This is what I could find about him;

    Paul Kujal, born 1894 at Vienna, Austria, where he studied with proffessor Rudolf von Weyr.

    His paintings were exhibited in Vienna in the ';Glaspalast';, ';Segantinibund'; and ';Sezession';.

    Below are links to him;鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    Here is a website;

    Hope this helped,


    Oil on tin painting: civil war soldier and wife? help me figure out?

    I found this at a yard sale and bought it, but don't know if it is worth a penny or not. it is a painting on tin metal? and about 6x9';, the man and woman sitting next to each other and the man looks to be in uniform, and the woman is in a lacy, heavy dress, looks victorian maybe. I can't find any kind of signature anywhere. can I dtermine age by figuring out the uniform? it is obviously really old, not reproduction.Oil on tin painting: civil war soldier and wife? help me figure out?
    Reproductions can easily be faked. You'll need to show it to an expert to get a good idea of it's value. Maybe start by checking with your local public library, they should have books (remember those?) on art and collectibles...

    Oil Painting - Your input needed?

    I'm doing an oil painting but I need some ideas of what to paint. This is totally open ended, but I'm not that talented with drawing people or animals, so if you know anything I could paint discluding those, or minimaly including them, I would love to hear your ideas! Thanks!

    - KatOil Painting - Your input needed?
    I would suggest still life. Landscapes are really difficult - well, at least I think so! With a still life you can paint inside and have control over what you paint and composition and lighting. Try interesting shaped vegetables and fruit, or fabric, or a cool vase.

    Good luck!Oil Painting - Your input needed?
    Go outside. Sit down. Paint whatever is in front of you.
    landscapes are very easy to paint. Buy the Bob Ross the joy of painting videos to learn. Its fun and easy to learn.
    Paint whatever your heart desires.

    hooray for being corny!

    Oil Painting Question and Tips?

    Since winter doesn't want to end ive decided to pick up the hobby of painting to pass time. Im trying to get some tips and have a couple questions. First: Do i need to let the paint dry between layers cause i seem to like making ';mud';. And also are there any tips that would make painting a little easier or smoother.Oil Painting Question and Tips?
    If you don't want to let the paint dry between layers, you can paint wet on wet, which will allow the pigments to mix. However, if you don't want the pigments to mix, it's better to let the paint dry between layers. Oil takes a while to dry, but to speed up the process you can add either Cobalt Drier or Japan Drier to the paints. You can find these pretty much wherever you can buy paints.

    To smooth the paints out you can get oil medium (ie- Liquin). More medium will make the paint more transparent, but you can use small amounts to smooth paint out and make application easier.Oil Painting Question and Tips?
    You can wait for the paint to dry but you don't have to. I can paint on fresh paint without making mud but I couldn't at first because I was putting too much pressure on the brush. Your second question is easier to answer: Have fun and your paintings will become better. Here's your homework: Go out tomorrow and paint outside were poeple can walk up to you and ask questions. You will find that painting in your home is much easier.
  • skin itching
  • Marie Eccles Oil Painting?

    I have an oil painting (still life) that I just love. My mother gave it to me 25 years ago and I am trying to find out some information about the artist. My mother is no longer with us so that isn't a source of info for me.

    It is signed ';Marie Eccles'; with a crude looking circle with lines coming out of the circle. Maybe a sun?

    Any information would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks much!Marie Eccles Oil Painting?
    It sounds like it may have been in the Nora Eccles Harrison museum at some time, see if you can check with them. Without seeing a picture, especially of the sig, it's hard to say much more about it.

    The best way to clean a brush (oil painting)????????

    i have this ';ODORLESS PAINT THINNER'; to clean my brush, but it does not work well. i wanted to know if any1 have anyyyyyy ideaaaaaa??The best way to clean a brush (oil painting)????????
    Gasoline, turpentine, turpenoid, mineral spirits, mechanics grease soap, Lava brand soap, baby oil.

    those are all generally good ways to clean the brush. But if you use one of the harsher chemicals you should seriously protect your skin and well as clean the brush again with regular soap. you can actually leave the soap in the bristles to help maintain the original shape.The best way to clean a brush (oil painting)????????
    Soak in Gas for 5 or 10 minutes and then wash it out with water.It will come clean.
    I use the ordorless stuff too, but then you need to wash it with soap and water too. Use murphy's oil soap, goo gone, or a brush soap from an art supply store. That will get them as clean as possible.
    I have something like that, too, but I've never had a problem with it. Mine is Loew Cornell brand, so you could try that, but the fact is that real turpentine is best.- sorry. Also, try using Mona Lisa Pink Soap or something similar after each use of your brushes- it keeps them conditioned without making them too soft.
    The best way to clean brushes after using oil paint is to put the brushes in thinner in a cup, then you leave the brushes in the cup there for a couple of hours. Then take out the brushes take a napkin and wipe the paint and thinner off the brush. After that you clean the brushes with temperate water and dish soap.
    I like Masters Brush Cleaner. It's like a brick of soap that comes in a round plastic case. You can wet the brush with water, build up a lather, rinse and the oil paint comes right off. Nice and odorless, too.
    i usually try to get as much out as possible with turpentine and then i just use soap and water. make sure the water isn't hot or else your bristles will be much more likely to fall out
    try a stinkin' one

    Oil painting art supply question?

    my gf recently took an oil painting class and she really likes it so i was trying to find a starter kit or something along those lines as a graduation present..... problem i know nothing about art supplies. please help me!Oil painting art supply question?
    There are kits when you go to art stores. They have the basic paint,supplies and some brushes, some come with mini palette too. Check with Blick art supply online or with Pearl art supply. You be able to order them online or just go into an art store and ask the clerk.鈥?/a>

    The best gift that I like to get is a gift card to Blick, than I can buy the things that i need. I hope it helps.Oil painting art supply question?
    i'd get her a gift card for dick blick, utrecht, jerry's artarama, or your local art supply store.

    picking colors for somebody else is tricky, everyone has personal preferences.

    if you must by her paint, i say buy her an opaque and transparent red, blue, yellow, green, violet, and white. the back of the tube will tell you if it's opaque or transparent. example- titanium white is opaque, zinc white is transparent. anything that says cadmium is opaque. avoid colors w/ 'hue' in its name. 'hues' are combinations of pigments mixed to look like the real thing, they're cheaper than the original but bad for mixing colors, makes things muddy.

    a gift card and a barrier cream (like invisible glove, helps keep toxic pigments from being absorbed into your skin and makes washing paint off of your hands easier) says i care %26amp; i want you healthy and alive
    What a great idea, you are a generous boyfriend. She will already have some supplies, so rather than duplicate them by mistake, why not buy a gift card from one of the local art stores near your house? Another possibility is to buy a gift card from one of the online art suppliers. Here are some links for you: -their goal is to be the best art supplier on the planet. They have annual art seminars in June (another great idea for her) and their own line of quality supplies. -their goal is to be the cheapest. Because of the economy they are sending daily emails of a ';Deal of the Day';, which is always a good deal. -I'm not sure what they're doing with the bad economy, but they are always a responsible supplier.
    maybe buy her some brushes (at Michael's or a local art store the brushes should be labeled Oil or Acrylic), a small canvas, and the basic colors - cadmium red, aquamarine blue, canary yellow, titanium white, and mars black. That would be a good start!
    Italian Art store has free shipping on orders of over $150. They have kits of top brand oil colors. Prices are below Jerry's Blicks, Dan Smith etc
    Ask you local art store like Miachel's arts and crafts or JoAnn fabrics... or whatever else there may be.

    I am looking for information on this oil painting.?

    I bought it at an auction in the SFO bay area. They claimed it came out of a museum in San Jose that shut down years ago. The artist name is in the r/h lower corner and is printed ';Giorigo'; . It has the appearance of an Aztec warrior holding a dead maiden horizontally in his arms. colors are vibrant. If needed I can send a picture of it. Thanks MikeI am looking for information on this oil painting.?
    I don't think it is a museum-quality painting. It looks almost like a still from a film made into a poster. Are you sure the name is Gorigo, it could be Giorgio.

    How do i clean an oil painting?

    If it's an old or valuable painting, I would have a professional do it.

    It would be very easy to ruin the painting because you don't know what you are doing.How do i clean an oil painting?
    Use a very soft brush and warm water with just a touch of dish detergent. Once it looks clean take the same brush and use cool water to rinse it . When you do this stand the painting up so the water does not penetrate it to much even though it won't hurt it, you don't want to soak the canvas.

    Water really won't hurt the canvas because water and oil don't mix. Just don't soak it.And remember a very Soft brush and take your time .Pat it dry when you are finished with it.

    I have done this many times and it works for me.How do i clean an oil painting?
    with luck?

    I have a oil painting ,by r.colao,how much is it worth?

    Hey Barbwisehawk,

    You may need to check with the experts. Try these sites, call, email, phone, or just search.
  • skin itching
  • Who was the artist thst invented Glazing,not oil-based paints?

    This artist was also the Court painter to the Duke Of BurgundyWho was the artist thst invented Glazing,not oil-based paints?
    Jan Van Eyck as the court painter to the Duke of Burgundy? He didn't invent glazing, however. Are you talking about glazing with cassein or tempra which is painted with pigment and egg yolk? Which was used before oil. BTW, artists and painters are inventors unlike the previous poster. Just like inventors are creators. Painters are always coming up with and inventing new ways to paint.Who was the artist thst invented Glazing,not oil-based paints?
    artists dont invent, they create
    You've got yourself a little confused here.

    Glazing is a technique most commonly used in oil painting. It was used extensively by Van Eyck, and so he is often credited with 'inventing' it.

    Oil Painting question?

    I'm taking an oil painting class. I've never painted before, so I know nothing.

    I'm using turpentine, linseed oil, and of course, oil paints... but what do I do with these when I'm done?

    In class, we have a handy little cleaning station. At home, not so much. I don't want to just pour this stuff down the drain. Any oil painters out there who can help me out?Oil Painting question?
    mainly be careful with cleaners and thinners, some are flammable, so you don't want to leave laying around in rags anywhere, you can throw these into regular garbage, if you have a container of fluid cleaner left over, you could let settle, pour into new glass container for next time, and clean out sediment to place in trash, if fluids are too murky to reuse, check local recycling depots for disposal, some have bins for oils and toxic fluids, some do not, turpentine is good for cleaning after painting as well as thinner, linseed oil is handy for thinning paints, not for cleaning, there are also mediums you can use for thinning instead, so trash some non reusable items, and reuse fluids or recycle,

    ..Oil Painting question?
    It is not advised to pour these items down the drain, they are not only harmful to your plumbing, but also to the environment! What I usually do with turpentine is take a mason jar or some other glass jar and store used turpentine within that (it can be reused time after time) and to make this turp easier to reuse I would invest in a strainer (which you can find on it basically lets the bristles of the brush rest in the turp above the settled residue which will be at the bottom of the jar once it has been left to sit for a long period, thus making the old turp still usable. Most art institutes have proper disposal methods for these types of materials once they are utterly no longer usable. That would be probably the best option of long term disposal.

    Also, to preserve the oil paints left on your pallet after your painting session has ended, take some clear wrap (like the kind you would use in the kitchen) and wrap the pallet with it, it stops the air flow to the paints and makes them last much much longer than would uncovered, as well as saves you some money for not wasting good paint.
    One other thing to remember when you sre done with the brushes at the end of painting

    clean them as best you can and then use warm soapy water, dish detergent is good for this.

    Clean them real good then rinse with warm water and then reshape the brushes to the original shape and let dry. Do this and they will last a long time.Use a air tight jar for storing your turpentine.

    I paint with oils, but I do not add linseed or anything, should I?

    i like painting with oils but Im wondering if using linseed oil might help somehow. I'm just looking to get better. I like to paint a lot of oldworld cityscapes with high detail. Any help would be greatly appreciatedI paint with oils, but I do not add linseed or anything, should I?
    Hey Shagg Woo,

    Oils are a type of paint made with natural oils such as linseed, walnut, or poppy, as the medium to bind the pigment. Oil paints dry slowly, allowing an artist time to rework and blend colors.

    So, adding extra oil - not necessary, just thinner.I paint with oils, but I do not add linseed or anything, should I?
    I paint all the time with oils and acrylics..I've never use linseed oil...linseed oil is to suppose to thin Oils so you can spread them easier...instead of using linseed oil I use odorless paint thinner..linseed oil has a tendency to turn yellow of course there is clear linseed hell with the rules of painting I make my own rules and so should you...
    linseed oil thins the paint and allows blending of color. I like to build form , and then oil prevents shaping. There is a time for each.
    I only use linseed oil to get a better flow of the paint when working in the details on a painting, or i have planned to do a wet on wet project (as most are) and want the oils to dry a little slower. You will only get better if you familiarize yourself with the tools of the trade and how to use them, and don't be afraid to expierment. If you would like to see some the work i've done, it can be viewed at under the name GUERRO.
    Using a medium when painting with oils is great because it can add some really beautiful finishing effects. Stand oil doesn't yellow like Linseed oil can and creates a smoother consistency to the paint. Some mediums can speed drying time. Damar varnish can add thickness and a lot of shine (I love Damar Varnish). Linseed oil is really nice, and playing around with different effects and mediums usually is beneficial.

    Just one warning, though. All of these varnishes/ oils are really super toxic-- Damar in particular is really dangerous to breathe. Make sure that you have very good ventilation when you use these...
    Hi..the linseed oil is a means of giving the paint a higher gloss,thinner texture,and it also helps it to dry slower if the need arises.There are alot of different mediums you can use to get different effects.Try it for your lighted areas and see what you think.

    Oil painting?

    where can i finde oil painting pictures on the internet?Oil painting?
    20,000 artists have work posted at ArtWanted and its really easy to use. Here's a link...鈥?/a>Oil painting?
    Thousand of masterpiece oil painting reproduction will be find here , the quality is rather wonderful.

    Report Abuse


    At they can direct you to anything. They have professional artists and even their own website.

    Join free and ask the professionals.

    Try Google Image search, I'd narrow the search to specific genre's though, like... ';Abstract oil painting'; or ';still-life,'; ';contemporary,'; ';realism,'; etc.

    My favorite oil painting artists are at Artifacts Gallery (Link below.)
    go to and look at the artists they have exhibited. These are the some of the leading artists in the country and should give you some great examples of their work and it is possible to buy the artwork.

    Also you can goggle art museums and go to the Met in New York and the Louvre in Paris and lots of other art museums that have many varied oil paintings on line to look at.

    Oil painting by mike cawston?

    Jenny, we don't know what your question is.

    I have an oil painting, title Mary and Christ by T. Clark 1898. Does anyone have any information on the artist

    Try here鈥?/a>I have an oil painting, title Mary and Christ by T. Clark 1898. Does anyone have any information on the artist
  • skin itching
  • Does anyone know of a good (& inexpensive) art supply store in L.A.? I'm going to buy oil painting supplies.

    Depends on what area of LA you live in.

    Dick Blick's probably has the cheapest prices. They have stores in West LA (on Santa Monica Blvd.), the Fairfax area (on Beverly Blvd.), a store in Pasadena and Glendale. Everyone that works at Blick's seems to be artists, too. So the help you get will be from experienced people.

    Pearl has the one store in the Fairfax area (as has already been mentioned). Their prices are fair but I've found that their service sucks. If you're that close to Pearl you just as well drive the extra ten blocks over to Blick's on Beverly Blvd. You'll get better service and the parking is better there.

    Right down the street (two blocks South) from the Blick's on Santa Monica Blvd. is a Urtech Art Supply Store. Urtech only sells their own brand of oil and acrylic paints so I don't buy paint there. However, they sell canvas and brushes at discount prices.

    If you live in the valley the best place to go (with a great selection and great help at fair prices) is Continental Art Supply. Everyone that works at Continental are artists, too, so you can trust their advice. They are on Reseda, a block South of Sherman Way.

    Stay away from Aaron Brothers. They are way too expensive. And the chair store called Michael's (which is owned by Aaron Brothers) is also too expensive.Does anyone know of a good (%26amp; inexpensive) art supply store in L.A.? I'm going to buy oil painting supplies.
    try this online national store: www.dickblick.comDoes anyone know of a good (%26amp; inexpensive) art supply store in L.A.? I'm going to buy oil painting supplies.
    Try Swain's art supplies in Glendale, at
    Pearl Paint is a good and well priced store that originated n New York, but they also have other stores, including one in LA

    Los Angeles

    1250 South La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles

    CA 90035

    Phone: 310-854-4900

    Store Hours:

    Monday to Saturday: 9:30 am to 8:30 pm

    Sunday: 11 am to 6 pm

    Have an old oil painting signed by John J. Lang. Has anyone heard of him? Know anything about his works?

    winter scene. two people hiking through snow decending from a home in mountains. leading a pack muleHave an old oil painting signed by John J. Lang. Has anyone heard of him? Know anything about his works?
    This painter is veritably unknown. I can't find any data on him. Are you sure you have the proper spelling?Have an old oil painting signed by John J. Lang. Has anyone heard of him? Know anything about his works?

    How much do you think this oil painting is worth?

    i dont know originally where this painting came from or came about but it has columbuses 3 ships (the nina the pinta the santa maria ) on it with Arias (im guessing his name) painted in the much do u think this wud go for???鈥?/a>How much do you think this oil painting is worth?
    For a answer go to this site and look under Arts and Humanities and follow directions to get to your answer. First have a photo of the painting which you do but also a close up and clear photo of the name of the painter ready to send to them.They helped me. Good luck

    What is the eternal rainbow sea painted with e.g oil on canvas ect. It was created by christian riese lassen.?

    Please if you find out tell me a.s.a.p.What is the eternal rainbow sea painted with e.g oil on canvas ect. It was created by christian riese lassen.?
    His earlier paintings, such as this one, were oil before he began experimenting with other medium. But I'm not sure if the eternal rainbow sea was painted on canvas or panel, etc.What is the eternal rainbow sea painted with e.g oil on canvas ect. It was created by christian riese lassen.?
    It's not painted. This artist does Iris prints on canvas. They're really, truly awful and terribly commercial. It's not high art, it's entirely decorative.

    Are you painting in acrylic or oil this evening?

    Acrylic - less smelly.

    Artist Carll Dahlgren painted original oil sketches in Yosemite Nat. park Calif in the early 1900's any info?

    The philaprintshop at the link below has a short biography of him and lists %26amp; shows several of his prints for sale at $175 each. ... When you get to that website, you have to scroll down some, to find it.

    His first name is also sometimes spelled ';Carl'; with one L, as in the edanhughes link below.
  • skin itching
  • What does ';oil on linen'; mean? In painting?

    Is it the same as painting on canvas?What does ';oil on linen'; mean? In painting?
    ';Oil on linen'; means the painting was made with oil paints on linen fabric. It's just being more specific than saying oil on canvas which is fabric which may be any combination of cotton, linen and even polyester (BOO! HISS! You definitely do NOT want to paint anything you care about on a poly blend!).

    You will also see paintings described as oil on carton, oil on paper, oil on plank or wood.What does ';oil on linen'; mean? In painting?
    basically the same....linen is made from the flax fibers, standard duck is from cotton. The major differences are two : 1 linen is very much more expensive than duck and probably has a longer life. 2 - cotton duck is much less expensive, tends to expand and contract less wildly than linen. Linen can go from drum tight to almost totally limp with temp and humidity changes. Cotton is slower to flex and does not flex quite so extremely. The ground, gesso, prevents both from rotting due to the normal acidfication of oils paints so the life span of either is well into the 10's or 100's of years with normal care and support. I prefer cotton.
    Just the material used. ';Most'; canvases are made of cotton. Linen is really good for portraiture because of the smoothness and durability.

    First time Painting in Oil?

    What is the proper steps to painting a canvas in oil paints?First time Painting in Oil?
    1) make sure your canvas has been primed with gesso (if you bought one, don't worry, it's done).

    2) start painting. You will have to stop and let the paint dry periodically, in order to keep your colors from getting all muddied up.

    3) let it dry for a really long time (months to a year).

    4) put some sort of varnish or something on it to protect it--I don't know, I haven't gotten that far in class.

    Oh, yeah, you can do a preliminary sketch if you want, but you don't have to. Play with it!First time Painting in Oil?
    first draw the subject you want to paint in charcoal or very soft pencil. Then start filling lighter colours, which might form your base and work with darker colours and details later. Between layers of paint you have to allow paint to dry. Judiciously mix linseed oil or thinner to colours to determine their viscosity.

    Would it be OK to paint with 'A' Winton oils and 'AA' Winsor Artists' oils on the same painting?

    Yes, that would be fine, just be aware that the textures might be slightly different.Would it be OK to paint with 'A' Winton oils and 'AA' Winsor Artists' oils on the same painting?

    The difference between Winton and Winsor is the quality based on the amount of pigment in each.

    Both are made by Winsor and Newton, a very well respected art supply firm from England.

    Winton oils are the student grade paint, while the Winsor AA are the Professionall artist grade. They will both work fine together as there is nothing in them that is incompatible.

    The difference is that the better paint has more intense amounts of pigment (color) and less filler.

    You will be fine to use both, but ultimately, when you can, upgrade all your paint to the professional grade. It goes further, will paint with better coverage, and all in all is worth the price.

    If you cannot afford it at this time, stay with the student grade till you can.

    You can mix and match any as long as they have the same medium in them-oil base-alykyd base-waterbase...etc.

    Good luck and happy painting.

    Let me know if I can help you any other way.

    Robin Miltner

    http;//www.robinmiltner.comWould it be OK to paint with 'A' Winton oils and 'AA' Winsor Artists' oils on the same painting?
    yes, it is ok to mix all kinds of different oil paint. The A and the AA are just signs of quality, which means that a better quality of raw materials: pigments and linen oil, were used in case of AA. IN any case Winsor are pretty good quality oil paint...Hope this helps you and that ypu will enjoy your work with them... :-)
    You could. I've done it. Remember, though, that Winton is student grade and has less pigment than Windsor-Newton, which is artist grade for the same company.
    yeah.. oil paint is oil paint.

    Who painted the oil portrait of Egypt from Bridget Jones Diary in scene where Rene checks into b&b with hugh?

    the portrait is behind the conciereges desk in the bed and breakfast check in sceneWho painted the oil portrait of Egypt from Bridget Jones Diary in scene where Rene checks into b%26amp;b with hugh?
    i want it. thanks a lot. where and when can i pick it up?

    Spilled baby oil on painted surface, drywall, how to clean it off?

    TSP. Tri-Sodium Phosphate cleaner. Available at most hardware and paint stores. Eats grease like crazy.Spilled baby oil on painted surface, drywall, how to clean it off?
    way to categorize, putting that question in singles and dating.Spilled baby oil on painted surface, drywall, how to clean it off?
    Why is this question in LOVE AND ROMANCE?

    Is this Winslow Homer's painting a watercolor or oil on canvas?

    A Good Pool, Saguenay River by Winslow Homer鈥?/a>

    Thank you!Is this Winslow Homer's painting a watercolor or oil on canvas?
    looks like oil paint. most reproductions are done in oil. and so is this particular one of a a good pool.
  • skin itching
  • What is the best process for quickly cleaning and resuing a brush when painting in oils?

    I am new to oil painting, and need some advice.What is the best process for quickly cleaning and resuing a brush when painting in oils?
    First remove excess paint with a rag or paper toweling, then use Mineral spirits or turpentine to clear the remaining paint from your brushes, pour some into a can or jar, insert a piece of screen with corners bent down to raise it from the bottom and drag your brush across the screen to clear the bristles, now wash them with soap (I use Dove dish soap) and water to clean them; condition the natural hair or bristle with your favorite hair conditioner and shape them before you store them. Storing the brushes hanging bristles down will assure longivity( I use a coil strung under a shelf and just press the handles into the coil). For long term storage of natural hair or bristle brushes condition with coconut oil or cold pressed olive oil and place in insect proof container. Synthetic brushes do not need conditioner or oil based storage...just wash, shape and hang

    Edit: The wire brush technique works to clean dried paint out, but is really hard on your brushes.What is the best process for quickly cleaning and resuing a brush when painting in oils?

    The first thing people will say is paint thinner but it SMELLS and can be costly.

    Put your brush in the oils, paint, then rinse it in turpentine as if it's water.

    To speed up the process, have a few paper napkins around to wipe the wet brush (then put start the process again...oil-paint-start painting-rinse repeat)
    Wipe your brush with a rag while your painting. Put a piece of window screen in the bottom of a jar with turpentine, and rub your brush on it, at the end a painting session. If it's dry already then soak over night it in brush cleaner, (or turps), then take a wire brush, remove excess paint and repeat as necessary. For natural hair brushes, treat as your hair, (soap and conditioner), for final cleaning. Dry upside down.
    Turpentine is your best bet. But you can use murphy's oil soap too (it's just soap for hardwood floors)

    Thursday, February 25, 2010

    Oil painting - flowers in vase?

    I have a painting in oil of a vase of flowers on a very dark background dated 1926. the artist's name looks like A Shill... something. On the reverse of the frame is a date 4 Nov 1926. Does anyone know of a still life artist from this era that could have painted it and/or if it is worth anything?Oil painting - flowers in vase?
    Hi! I found these two names and of course

    it may be another artist entirely. Signatures

    can be so misleading. And.. there is no way

    to know what your piece is worth without first

    identifying the artist (or 'school') with certainty,

    tracking its provenance and viewing the painting

    itself for authenticity and condition. You could try

    and post your image(s) here or, if not, you may want

    to take it to an appraiser or an auction house for

    further information.

    Hope this helps!

    Alexander Shilling (1860 - 1937) New York鈥?/a>

    Arthur Shilling (1941 - 1986) Canada鈥?/a>Oil painting - flowers in vase?
    I know of no famous painter of the 20's with that name. But if you have lived in the same area for a while maybe it was a famous local artist research at library or newspapers

    Oil Paints????

    I wanted to try this, but i herd that making one piece of art can take weeks because these paints take so long to dry. Is that true? And also, can anybody tell me any good sites tha will show me how to paint a realistic human face?Oil Paints????
    Oh you can try mixing it with acrylic paint or use acrylic alone. Painting human faces, start with the basic face colour and hair, then add the face shades (cheek bones) and highlights of the hair but not the dark shades, add in a light shade of the features and from there work on big details to the small ones.Oil Paints????
    Yes oil paint takes much longer to dry, sometimes it takes even up to three days until it's try enough for you to paint another layer on top...

    However if you want you can thin it down so it drys faster, use either turpentine or linseed oil

    The turpsentine you put it into a small bowl or class then with your brush slowly add a bit of turp into the color and mix, do this until it's thinner, you put as much depending on how quick you want something to dry, if you thin it down to the extend that it's as thin as acrylic it will try in 10 minutes...

    Linseed oil is a much better thinner as it doesn't stink, do the same thing with that too!

    To learn how to paint faces see some of those sites, I was going to give you my advice but website descriptions are so much better :)

    Check out:

    This is about digital painting but it says really great stuff about the expressions, probortions etc :鈥?/a>

    A site about the general painting of the face:鈥?/a>

    A site on how to paint potraits:鈥?/a>

    Potrait painting in oil:鈥?/a>

    A video of a potrait being painted:鈥?/a>

    Some sites about the basics of oil painting:鈥?/a>
    I am a self taught artist who learned to paint with oils using library books. I apply my paint thin and do alot of blending and found that my paintings dry enough to be safely moved or picked up by the client in as little as two weeks, but i tell them not to frame it for at least four months and not to varnish for at least six months. When i decided to learn to paint five years ago, i started with portrait painting because i figured it would get me farther faster and i'm glad i did. I've checked out countless websites and while i did pick up some good tips it was the books that helped me out the most. Get yourself a good book that explains ''underpainting'', learning this will help with your portrait painting and their look. My work can be checked out at under artist GUERRO1.
    When painting with oils, most artists use a medium to make the paint flow. I use walnut oil and a drop or 2 of Cobalt dryer. Some artists use Liquin, which, like Cobalt dryer, helps oils dry more quickly, and gives a nice glossy texture. Just don't let it dry on your brushes as it can ruin them. I recommend getting a basic oil painting for beginners type book and go from there. That way you can have the book open as you start working and refer to it. And if you hate what you've done, the great thing about oils is that you can wipe it off with a rag and start over!

    The questions of oil and acrylic painting.....?

    1. I just finally found out that oil painting is very dangerous to our health and brain.. is that true?

    2. You cannot do oil painting in the bad circulation room. But how can I do oil painting in the middle of winter while I can't open the window all the time?

    3. Compare to oil painting, acrylic painting I heard is way more safe... but I just love the fabulous effect of oil painting after it's done. So, what is the fabulous effects I could get from acrylic painting?

    4. What are the oil painting equipments I will need to have a great oil painting?

    5. What are the acrylic painting equipments I will need to have a great oil painting?

    6. What is turpentine for? Do I need it for acrylic painting?

    7.Which one is the best one.. oil painting or acrylic painting?

    8. Which one is more expensive for the equipments of oil painting or acrylic painting?

    9. Any particular tips for oil %26amp; acrylic?

    10. Do you really think I can live my life normally base on my working of painting?

    ThanksssThe questions of oil and acrylic painting.....?
    Wow, okay then… I work in both acrylic and oil. Therefore, here is what I know:

    1.Oil painting is only dangerous to you if you are allergic or if you eat the paint and its accompanying mediums.

    2.Get a fan for when you paint inside (like an exhaust). Direct the fan away from your painting area to create ventilation.

    3.Acrylic painting is a little safer however, you don’t want eat it either. You can achieve the affects of an oil painting with acrylics with the use of various mediums such as liquid gloss or matte within the paint. You may also want to try modeling paste and/or gels for a thicker more impasto type of effect. Also, do use a more heavy bodied paint to begin with. Liquitex has a wonderful line of products for the beginner artist and professional.

    4.For a great oil painting, you must consider what you are painting on as well as the oils and its mediums you choose. What do you want to achieve? What is your subject? If you are painting a portrait or still life in a realistic style then try a linen canvas or masonite board (do not ever use tempered masonite). If you are more of an impressionistic artist and prefer texture then you can use cotton canvas. Cotton canvas works well for kinds of subjects such as landscapes, still life, portraits, abstract art and cotton is priced cheaper than linen. You will need oil paint, oil brushes, and brush cleaner such as Winsor %26amp; Newton brush cleaner and restorer, “The Masters” Brush Cleaner and Preserver but a mild liquid hand soap works well too. Get a can or well for the solvent of your choice (not water), easel, palette, and palette knife, maybe a stool if you like to sit. I also would suggest an art class, books, and/or videos. You need to find your passion!

    5.For a great acrylic painting, you still need to know what you want to paint. You can still use all the various types of canvas and boards that are out on the market. For acrylic’s, just don’t get anything that has been oil primed! If your interested in doing murals, then you need to know what the wall has been treated with prior to painting as you will need to prep it properly. You can use brushes that are made for acrylic paints. However, I like to use anything that works for the technique that I want to achieve such as, bristle brushes (know for oils) because I like the loose brush stroke that a nice bristle brush produces. I am more of an impressionistic artist and most of my paintings start out in acrylics, ending in oils. However, some are entirely acrylics or entirely oils. Anyway, you can use water as your extender and solvent and for cleanup. You will still need to use a nice soap to clean your brushes. I use “The Masters” Brush cleaner and Preserver or Winsor %26amp; Newton brush cleaner and restorer, but I’ve been known to use a mild liquid soap as well. If you’re working on canvas or board then get an easel and maybe a stool. I keep a water spray bottle and paper towels on hand. You will need a palette (I use an airtight palette). You will want a palette knife also. Pretty much all the same kinds of things that you would use for oils, but minus the oil.

    6.Turpentine is for oils as a solvent/paint thinner. Don’t ever use it with acrylics or any other water-based medium. Not even to clean your brushes that you would use for acrylic painting. Having said that, you may once the acrylic paint is dry proceed with oils on top of the painting, but after that, you can’t go back to acrylics.

    7.As far as which type of medium is the best… Well, I like them both. These days the quality of paint that’s on the market is wonderful. I like it all and am always experimenting with new mediums. You just have to decide for yourself.

    8.Oil paints are probably a little more expensive than acrylics depending on the brand and size. However, everything else (in materials) is pretty much the same because you can purchase items for acrylics that you may use with oils.

    9.Tips: Not sure what else I can say. Maybe, just have fun with whatever it is you do. Don’t take criticism personally because everyone will have an opinion and you can’t ever let it get you down. Besides, constructive criticism is always a good thing, especially from your peers! Keep a portfolio of all your work. Use a digital camera to download onto your computer and print out on either photo paper or even regular paper.

    10.Normally, what is normally? I paint professionally and belong to several art related groups and local museums and galleries. I would suggest you start with becoming a member of your local art museum. They often have programs and events to exhibit local artists. Now, if you’re up to it, cold call at coffee houses, retail shops, etc. Sign up at a farmers market for a booth or maybe become a member of your local chamber of commerce. You can even sell your works of art on eBay! Marketing is totally an okay and easy thing for artists today. If you have a home printer, you can even make your own business cards, flyers, and postcards!

    Good luck and I hope this helps! I’m also posting some sites for you to check out.The questions of oil and acrylic painting.....?
    Excellent! Glad to help. By the way, the website for is in my opinion the best place to find good quality materials at low prices. The others are good too for things you may not be able to find at Jerry’s Artarama.

    Report Abuse

    Recent studies do show that oil paint is bad for the system-- yet, how does this explain the fact that many artists(working in oil paint) live well into their seventies? Don't believe the hype. I feel that oil, when com pared to acrylic, there is no comparison. You can paint oil over acrylic, acrylic cannot cover oil. I dont paint much in acrylic, but as far as prices are concerned I'm pretty sure that if you can afford to paint in acrylic you can afford to paint in oil.
    1.No, it is not true. Unless the smell affects you, in which case you can paint in an open space.

    6. Turpentine is used for removing paint, cleaning brushes, etc. Personally, I think that kerosene is more effective. You can use urea and water solution(1 part urea to 3 parts water) for acrylic painting. It can be used both as cleanser and medium.
    To best answer your many questions on oil and acrylic paintings it may be helpful to you to visit:

    There are forums set up in each of these categories and also articles written for learning how to work in various art mediums.
    1. just don't eat the paint. 2.if you love it, you'll find a way. 3.oil is the best. 4.paint, canvas, brushes, rags,paper pallet, turpenoid(safer). 5. paint, water, brushes, rags and something to paint on. 6. turp is a solvent (thinner) use it to thin your paint and clean your brushes. Acrylic is water-based. Turp is for oil based paints only. 7. oil 8. oil 9. no 10. enjoy the process you're welcome
    The difference is simple as far as I can tell. Oil paintings are warmer. Acrylic leaves me cold. It is worth the risk to use oils especially as you say you like the effect of oils better. I have been painting in oils for forty-five years with no ill effects healthwise and I do not use the 'turpoid' substitute for turpentine either. I love my turps! The very smell of them is inspiring for me.

    Does any one have a used 2 disc video of The Carder Method of oil painting. I'm on fixed income can buy used.?

    I see it's pretty expensive new. I look all over the net for used videos at amazon and ebay, but I couldn't find anything. It must be pretty new so you may have to wait a while before you can find a used set. The method looks interesting though. Good luck.

    Which paints are oil based?

    im trying to remove grafitte from my wall and i want to know if spray paints are oil basedWhich paints are oil based?
    Some are and some are solvent based (lacquer). Depending on the wall covering you could try to remove the graffiti by using paint thinner.Which paints are oil based?
    yes they are
  • blond hair
  • Oil painting fat over lean?

    I just finished a painting intended for a competition and I'm worried about possible cracking because I didn't pay too much attention to the fat over lean rule.

    The bottom layer was thin but pretty fat with oil, the top layer had less oil mixed in but was applied very thickly. Is there a possibility that the painting will crack? If so could I attempt to prevent it by brushing oil on top?Oil painting fat over lean?
    leave it alone

    it wont crack for ages if at allOil painting fat over lean?
    Yes it's going to crack.

    This may start happening in several years time and the extent of the cracking will depend on the colours and quality of paint used.

    Brushing oil on top will not stop it (could even cause worse problems).
    I would not brush oil on top. I think you should be ok.

    I have an oil painting done by Duncan Grant 1926 it's an original.?

    Can anyone tell me the value of it..? or even where I could sell it. ? I need to buy new sets of wheels.. nooope not a car.. but wheels for my wheelchair.. (bet I got ya.. lol) Thanks for any info. you can give me..It's a painting of a 3 masted ship all the details are really nice.. esp. the sun trying to peek through the storm.I have an oil painting done by Duncan Grant 1926 it's an original.?
    A Life Study is currently for sale $34,000.

    A shame you have to sell yours, getting new wheels and then some, is very possible.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    What are these Oil Painting Stuff?

    what is stuff like...solvents and mediums???????What are these Oil Painting Stuff?
    well there are different kinds of mix them in with the paint to make the paint not as thick and different mediums help the oil paint dry faster or give it a matt or gloss finish. basically it helps the paint go on the canvas smoother and makes your paint go further. Sometimes i dont use a medium and just lay the paint on thick. it all really depends on the look you are trying to achieve. Solvents like paint thinner or terpentine are used to take the paint off so its usually used to clean brushes and things like that

    I have an oil painting by K. Roger of a alpine scene, what is it worth?

    Hard to tell without actually seeing the painting. Don't do anything to the painting or frame. Consult an art appraiser in you area to see if it is valuable. They will charge you for this service.

    Good luck!

    Jeff (weseye) Wesley

    I have an oil painting by K. Roger of a alpine scene, what is it worth?
    I found no listings for an artist named K. Roger. But there is a somewhat famous woman painter named Florence Kroger.

    It always helps us if you provide a link to a copy of the image of the painting.

    How to get oil painting copied. lithograph?

    assuming this is your own painting and youare free to copy it as you like, then you can take it to a reprograpics company and they will make it into a print. For lithographs, if you want to make several in an edition, you will go to a printer who does this. don't know where you live, so cannot recomend anyone. Look at an art book or litho you may have purchased and see if a printer name is listed in front of book and if it is in your area. call them and ask.How to get oil painting copied. lithograph?
    you can take a picture of it or scan it and print it out like a big poster, or you can have a talented artist hand copy it.

    How do you get a large oil stain off of a garage floor? Moving in 1 month. Would painting the floor work? Thx

    It's a really thick stain. Thanks for your suggestions!How do you get a large oil stain off of a garage floor? Moving in 1 month. Would painting the floor work? Thx
    You may get Kitty Litter suggestions, though that wouldn't be a rapid absorbtion process. You might try to acquire some sawdust, or even shredded cardboard used in critter cages.

    Eventually you'll be best to use degreasers and a pressure washer, then IF you feel a need to paint, use an epoxy, or paint formulated specific to a concrete/garage floor,,, BUT,,,

    I suggest certainly moving the cause for the stain to a place where it won't happen again, and waiting until near moving time to paint. The issue is the dry/set cure time for whatever formulation you use, to stay off of it.

    Various species can be researched online, and given enough time, any new residents won't curse you for any ooops they might encounter with the floor.

    Steven Wolf

    Just my two ';sense';How do you get a large oil stain off of a garage floor? Moving in 1 month. Would painting the floor work? Thx
    I would first scrape of as much excess as possible, then pour on some lacquer thinner, scrub with a scrub brush then soak it up with some towels. Make sure to wear a respirator as the fumes with this will be very powerful and harmful if not properly ventilated. After this is done scrub the floor with a degreaser and water solution. Then if needed you will be able to seal and paint. The lacquer thinner is usually good enough for me though. GOOD LUCK!!
    If you cannot get the garage well ventilated (or a gas water heater is in it) scrap off as much as possible. Lightly spray with a spray bottle and water. Sprinlke with powdered laundry detergent and spray again with water until fully moist. Let sit a couple hours and then use more water and a scrub brush.
    Gasoline will get most or all of it up, use a wire brush on it.. if all else fails,, muratic acid(pool supplies) will take it off, but it will leave a lighter mark on the concrete..

    as with any method, make sure area is well ventilated and use caution in handling chemicals
    go to the local Home depot.... get the stain lifter in the Paint dept.... use in well ventelated area after cleaning all excess oil first (I'm asuming you did this, But I had to put it in! sorry) with the oil dry and or absorbent methods......

    Use the stain lifter as instructed... It is safer than gas , paint thinner, and all that other stuff..... and I do belive after the chemical reaction just rinse with water!! then you are done....
    Use Coke The drink it does wonders on oilstaind concrete Sounds Weird But It Works

    Pour it on let sit scrub wash off with water, Repeat til satisfied

    once you have cleaned up most of it ,sprinkle borax over the stain ,leave o/night and hose off, you may have to do it a couple of times
  • blond hair
  • Where can I buy ';transparent'; oil paints?

    In this video the late Bob Ross applies some ';transparent paint'; to the black Gesso, when he adds white to that, the colour shows. I was wondering where I can get the transparent paint from? or even what it is?

    Thanks, Ben.Where can I buy ';transparent'; oil paints?
    You can add your pigment to a glaze that ends up being transparent--the level of which depends on how much pigment you add.Where can I buy ';transparent'; oil paints?
    No where in the film does he say anything about transparent paint all he was saying was the combination of colors he used on the background show up when he adds white There is no such thing as transparent paint. He talked about the black back ground and then adding color to the black color like dark blue an green and one more Any way there is no such animal as transparent paint, unless you were thinking of the white gesso he used in the middle, which he called watery white
    There is no such thing anywhere available for purchase. To have any paint appear transparent you must thin it to that state. Some colors are more opaque or hiding and some are more staining colors but not transparent exactly out of the tube when painted full strength. Perhaps when brushing and blending some of the staining colors one can brush them out thin enough to allow some of the previous color to show through. So it is in thinning, extending and technique that gives paint a transparent look.
    Try Michaels or Hobby Lobby.

    Should i be worried about having used a water based craft paint (liquitex) over an oil based stain???

    i am finishing a toy box for my daughter's first birthday in a couple weeks and have stained a box using an oil based stain. Not knowing anything about this type of craft, i bought some liquitex paints and have already painted a bunch of things on the box. after doing a little research (albeit late), im extremely worried now since they are water based paints. there was a similar question posted earlier, but since ive already got paint on my stain, what should i do??? i plan on varnishing the box as well but not sure what to use given the circumstance...advice on all this????Should i be worried about having used a water based craft paint (liquitex) over an oil based stain???
    sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but your water-based paints are highly likely to begin peeling off soon. the good news is, you can probably scrub them a little bit with a really fine grade steel wool, go get some oil-based paints, and re-do your paintings before it's too late. ask at the paint shop or paint department regarding the varnish - i'm not sure if that would be the best way to go, or if laquer or poly would be better suited to your use. just don't coat apply the clearcoat, whatever you choose, over the water-based paint! it will push its way out, and you will end up having to strip the whole thing and start over from the beginning...even if not immediately, it will someday...

    Where i learn more about oil painting via net?;q=oil+paint鈥?/a>Where i learn more about oil painting via net?
    Try these sites;

    http://www.oil-painting-for-beginners.co鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>Where i learn more about oil painting via net?
    visit all the sites suggested by another friend and also


    Oil Painting Drying Time?

    I got an easel for Christmas, it came with oil paints, which i have never used. I just started to use them today (just to experiment) I didn't put any gesso on the canvas first. is that okay? i have the turpeniod and thats it. is there anything else i need to have to make this a successful painting? it isn't drying very fast. when will it be dry? should i coat the painting with something when i am done?Oil Painting Drying Time?
    If you used a pre-treated canvas then you don't need gesso. Oil paints take several days or more to dry! The drying time will depend on the humidity in the air too. You can put a clear seal on the painting when it is dry if your prefer though most oil paints today are fade proof. Enjoy your painting!Oil Painting Drying Time?
    Congratulations. Gesso is very good, but not absolutely necessary; so I guess it's OK if you didn't use it. I like it better when I do use it! You do have the turpeniod, which is used to dilute the paint according to your needs, but you did not mention, ';purified linseed oil';. This I would say is a must. It helps to spead the paint more evenly and easier. Add it to the paint, or the brush accordingly. Drying takes approximately about a week, and even then it is not truly dry, but safe to handle. And yes, there is a coating sold in art supply stores, but that should be applied after about two or three months.
    Most canvas' are preprimed with gesso. Oil's do not dry fast... It may take a number of weeks and some times months to fully dry and cure.

    You don't necessarily have to varnish it but you can use Damar Varnish to varnish it comes in brush on and spray (always spray outside). You can get it from Dick Blick.
    It depends entirely on the thickness of the paint - it can take months or even years to dry out. Was it a ready primed canvas? If so you'll be fine. Always paint fat over thin, to avoid the paint drying on top but not underneath, which will cause it to crack. I'd suggest linseed oil instead of turps, it will give you less of a cloudy, muddy colour. Glazing it might give it a bit of a glow, depending on what you're going for. But the painting will need to be totally dry before you do that. (Mix a little oil paint of whatever colour you fancy with turps or whatever and dab it over the painting, let it dry for an hour or two and then wipe it off.) And then varnish it with proper oil paint varnish which you'll find at a good art shop.
    An artist once told me that for a painting to fully dry takes about 50 years.
    Don't plan on making anything good until you've painted with oil paint at least five times. if you use turpentine- and sometimes odorless thinners like turpenoid- to thin the paint, the paint will dry much faster. use it like you would the water in watercolor, but the paints that you got in this kit most likely aren't very good, so don't be surprised if the painting is slightly streaky. i wouldn't suggest using the wet on wet painting method for you- wait until your thin layer, the streaky layer, is dry and then add layers. oil paint takes about a century to thoroughly dry. If you apply the paint thickly, you will be waiting for months for it to be dry enough to work with.

    Eh... i think i might be using the wrong paint thinner for my oil paintings, is this bad?

    So im taking an intro. to oil painting class. And we were told to purchase paint thinner for some of our at home assignments. But im guessing its a different one than we use in the class. It smell different and it has a yellow label, mine has a blue. it worrks the same though.

    The problem is i live in the dorms, i have a private room but i share a ';suite'; with another girl. so im worried that it might be stinking up our semi shared living spaces. i usually open the window while i use a tiny amount in a plastic cup. but is it possible that the fumes or vapors can make me ill. another difference if noticed is that one night i left a little bit of thinner at the bottom of the plastic cup and in the morning it ate through it and clear red liquid was on my desk. very bad. i know *shakes head*

    i might be kind of high off it right now. :-/

    what is the right kind of thinner that is safe to use in the dorms?

    hmm i wrote more than i needed to. sorry.Eh... i think i might be using the wrong paint thinner for my oil paintings, is this bad?
    ARTIST QUALITY odorless mineral spirits or

    odorless turpenoid

    NOT PAINT THINNER!!!!! NOT TURPENTINE!!! Both of these are industrial and for use in highly ventilated environments. Even the odorless mineral spirits and turpenoid should be used with open window, fresh air ventilation.

    NEVER EVER LEAVE SOLVENTS OPEN AND UNSEALED. Can cause rapid cerebral capillary dilation and bleeding, lung damage and scaring, asphixiation, fume build-up and flash fire....c'mon, get a grip girl!Eh... i think i might be using the wrong paint thinner for my oil paintings, is this bad?
    An oderless thinner would do like turpenoid ( a turpetine substitute but doesn't smell) and turpenoid natural is also oderless. Also liquin by Winsor and Newton can thin out paint and less drying time. Here's the link on what they look like. Also can be purchase at a hobby lobby, Michaels or your nearest art store.
    When working in a space that is not well ventilated, you need to be careful with what solvents you decide to use. Not only can it be harmful to you, but you'll be exposing other people (with different sensitivities) to it as well.

    When purchasing a solvent, look at the label. Makers of solvents will name their product any number of things, but the label never lies. The label will list ingredients. Avoid getting anything with ';petroleum distillate'; in it. This includes Mineral Spirits (white spirits), Odorless Mineral Spirits (including odorless Turpenoid), GamSol, etc. Some mediums contain it too including Liquin.

    Avoid turpentine. It is traditional but also has the highest evaporation rate than all other solvents. That means it become airborne faster and can be breathed in an absorbed very fast. Some folks are very sensitive to it (though I think it smells nice).

    Turpenoid Natural is a citrus-based brush cleaner. It is non-toxic but it is not suggested you use it as a painting medium. It's great for swishing and cleaning brushes though, just be sure to wipe off excess before dipping your brush into paint. I personally don't like the smell of it.

    Do some research on non-toxic oil paint set ups. Some artists use walnut or linseed oils. Linseed oil though non-toxic is flammable as it cures so be sure to dispose of painting rags thoroughly.

    I make this sound hazardous, don't I? It's not, really, but please be educated with what chemicals you're using. Invest in a window fan that exhausts out (forced ventilation). That helps a lot too.

    Oh, and use glass jars to store your solvents.

    Links below.
    Personally I would not use paint thinner at all. Your instructor may disagree.

    There are more expensive options such as turpenoid natural. It has a pleasant scent and it's certified non toxic.

    I really enjoy using baby oil. It cleans my brushes well and conditions them, and it's very affordable. There are some things to consider if you choose to use baby oil:

    1. For smaller brushes you'll clean as usual and dry your brush with a paper towel or rag. For larger brushes it will be necessary to use paper towels to squeeze out the excess oil.

    2. Traditional paint thinners allow paint to settle quickly because it's such a thin liquid, essentially making the liquid reusable. Baby oil will allow the paint to settle, but it's much slower. You are better off just dumping the oil and using new whenever possible, and it's not a bad option considering the price.

    3. Reusing paint thinner will often result in crusty or hard bristles. Since I've switched to baby oil, I haven't had this problem. The baby oil conditions the brushes very well and they are always workable.

    Does anyone know a painter called H. Janiszewski? I have an oil painting signed and dated 1947?

    The 'e' in the name is not clear but search engines suggest it is an 'e'. On the back is written what looks like a dedication in Polish and a name, something like Jensz. L Rays*am ......... 1949 Londyn (=London)Does anyone know a painter called H. Janiszewski? I have an oil painting signed and dated 1947?
    check artcyclopedia and you should be able to find it on there.Does anyone know a painter called H. Janiszewski? I have an oil painting signed and dated 1947?
    Alas, no one by that name was listed in artcyclopedia

    Joe W

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  • blond hair
  • How to dissolve dried oil paints and gouache colours in thier respective containers?

    if water is added to dried gouache colours they look dullHow to dissolve dried oil paints and gouache colours in thier respective containers?
    Once the water has left Gouache, it changes to the colors....I don't find the colors particularly bright to start with. Oil Paints, once set, are all but impossible to re-dissolve...pitch them and start over. Good luckHow to dissolve dried oil paints and gouache colours in thier respective containers?
    No hope for them; throw them out and buy fresh paints. Next time, don't overstock.
    If your oils have dried, you need to find another use for them because they are no good for painting. The gouache on the other hand can be brought back with gum arabic and/or water. If they are in the tubes though, you'll have to cut them open and place the new mixture in a recloseable air-tight container. It's going to take some time and effort. You might be better off by beginning to replace your supplies. Good luck.

    Which is a better medium to paint with, acrylics, or oils?

    It seems whenever I paint with acrylics, it dries too quickly-while the oils take forever to dry, is there a better retarder out there that will enable my acrylics to dry slower?Which is a better medium to paint with, acrylics, or oils?
    You could use Alkyd oil paint which dries faster than traditional oil paint.

    As for acrylics, it is a water based paint, so it dries as water leaves the paint. So water is really your only bet here.

    Things that influence the drying of acrylics are wind flow (don't want too much of this), temperature (the hotter, the faster the paint will dry, but too cold, and the paint will crack) and humidity. All of this applies to oil paints as well, minus the water part :)

    However, I encourage you to keep up with the traditional oils, it's such a wonderful medium when you learn how to use it well. You will think to yourself, ';how did I ever work with acrylics?';Which is a better medium to paint with, acrylics, or oils?
    you can add medium gel to acrylics, and keep on moisture container when not in use,


    palette sponge,…

    Sta-Wet Premier Palette…

    ~oils may be better if you are ok with fumes and solvents, much more mailable to blend with, though sometimes waiting to apply next layer, slows the moment of creativity to lapse another day, and that also can be a good refresher,

    use both individually, when you require either for special occasions,

    it depends on what you're painting. i only use acrylics because there is so much you can do with them...if u paint in a double layer or add water it changes the speed of does the temperature of the room colder is better to keep the acrylic not dry
    This would depend on your painting style. Oil takes longer to dry and Acrylics dry very quickly.

    Who is the artist who paints snowscapes in oil signed Barrister?

    This painting was originally from Mississippi, I think..Who is the artist who paints snowscapes in oil signed Barrister?
    I believe it was (ahem) Barrister.Who is the artist who paints snowscapes in oil signed Barrister?
    ~~~um,,,The artist that signed the painting,,,'; Barrister';,,,~~~

    Antique oil painting?

    wow much would an antique oil painting be worth by oliver clare? its 9x9 inches, signed and is about 1880.Antique oil painting?
    Hi! He is a wonderful artist. Here are some gallery prices.. and 174 public auction results.

    Hope this helps!鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>Antique oil painting?
    JESUS! you got an Oliver Clare painting. well I'm going to surprise you here because Oliver Clare was actually a painter and decorator not an artist and his speciality was painting garden fences . A painting by him is worth about 拢2.00/$4.00 Hope this helps!

    Please help!! I have found an oil Painting from Lee Reynold?

    I've found an exquisite oil painting in my great grand mother's basement. In which she never new she had.... I am trying to find any type of details on how I can research the painting and find if it is of any worth. Please let me know. This is has to be at least 22-by-28 inches possibly bigger.. - Thank you for your help! - DerekPlease help!! I have found an oil Painting from Lee Reynold?
    Lee Reynolds owned a company called Vanguard Studios, where staff artists reproduced his paintings.

    From this site;

    ';The fact is almost 100% of ALL “Lee Reynolds” paintings were painted by staff artists. All artworks originating at Vanguard Studios were sold as decorative objects. None was intended to be a collector work, although many do now collect Vanguard art.

    This in no way diminishes the respect and the love that people have for their Vanguard Studios artwork. It is heartwarming to read and hear all the stories of these classic American works and what they mean to so many. But they are what they are: “Original Reproductions” largely signed “Lee Reynolds” and produced in multiples by Vanguard Studios over a 30 year period.';

    Here's some sites with info. and prices; reynolds……

    This site has auction prices for Reynolds work;…

    Is fine art by robert gallon,oil painting worth money?

    my fine old art oil painting is in black and white,many bulls standing in a field with stormy skyIs fine art by robert gallon,oil painting worth money?
    Auction prices for;

    Robert Gallon (1845 - 1925)鈥?/a>

    Robert Gallon (1868 - 1903)鈥?/a>

    You should take this picture to a fine-art auctioneer for appraisal.
  • blond hair
  • Query. Value of a Lesley Cope oil painting dated 1947.?

    The picture depicts 3 heavy horses, 2 brown 1 grey, pulling a plough. Two people bending over the plough. One has a dark face and is wearing a straw hat, the other is showing his back.

    It is framed in a gold colured fancy thing. Can't believe it is the original.

    The painting is signed and dated 1947.

    It's size is around 19'; x 15';. Could be bigger as frame covers edges.

    Any info would be of use.

    Thanking you.Query. Value of a Lesley Cope oil painting dated 1947.?
    Hi! Here's some information which may help:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    Images and pre-sale estimates:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    Acrylic Paints VS. Oil Paints?

    I am still testing different paints that I can use on canvas. I like oil paints but I enjoy acrylic paints too. My main concern is how long they will last and how durable they are. I would prefer to use acrylics since is dries so much faster but I am worried about my works life span. Basically, I just want to see what the pros and cons are for each paint so it doesn't cost me down the road.Acrylic Paints VS. Oil Paints?
    to be honest which ever paint you decide on its the quality of the paint and its pigment that will decide how long it lasts rather than whether its acyrlic or oil..... generally the more expensive the paint the higher the pigment quality...

    good places to compare paints are websites like GreatArt, or you should ask in ur local art/craft supplies storeAcrylic Paints VS. Oil Paints?
    acrylics will last a real long time normally longer than the canvas itself (as long as you don't use super cheap acrylics or paint them on top of oil paints (but you can paint oils on top of acrylics)). Oils a very long time too. If you are talking about on your pallet or in the tube acrylics will not last as long (a week tops if you cover it in plastic) and usually more than 5 years in a tube. I would suggest using acrylics and then getting extender (which makes acrylics apply like oil paints) so you can get the best of both worlds.
    As for longevity - some artists do some weird things with acrylics by adding stuff that doesn't mix - like asphalt, wax, oil-based products and other unlikely additives... all bets are off when you take chances like that. But once cured, acrylics are completely chemically stable as long as they're used as directed and given a protective coat of varnish once cured. There's no reason they won't outlast you.

    Any paints can be affected by extremes such as temperature, humidity, airborne pollutants and UV light. Professional grade oils and acrylics use the same pigments, only the binders differ. Since we know oils can last centuries, it only stands to reason - from a chemistry point of view - that acrylics will perform at least as well, if not better.
    I enjoy oil soooooooo much better than acrylic. Acrylic dries way to fast and even using retarder wont help the drying slow down. In addition, i can't transition the colors that good and I always tend to add new layers on top of the old one just because I disliked the other color. For me, I dislike acrylic... period!

    I preffer oil to last the longest and to have a better, more richer life span. You see those old paintings in the museums? They're oil baby! On top of it is varnish. They also mix the whites on egg yolks with their paintings but I wouldn't reccomend that. Anyway, oil drys slower allowing you to mix the color beneath with the new one you're adding on top. Plus, if you make a mistake you can easily transition to a differnet color. Its richer, its better, its thicker, and its durable. I think oil is the best.

    Check out my artwork here:
    I prefer oils over acrylic paints because my artwork looks so much more realistic and elegant than the way acrylics work/turn out.

    Can anyone identify artist of oil/acrylic impressionist painting (rain & umbrellas) 4ft x 5ft signed FERRANTE?

    Created by the artist who was associated with Artmaster Studios, San Fernando, California. At least 30YO.Can anyone identify artist of oil/acrylic impressionist painting (rain %26amp; umbrellas) 4ft x 5ft signed FERRANTE?
    Artmaster Studios was a company that produced artwork for the furnishing trade. Ferrante was one of their artists but there is no information about him (it was possibly a pseudonym).

    He should not be confused with the Italian/Californian artist Mario de Ferrante.

    Ferrante (Artmaster Studios) pictures appear on ebay at prices from $200 to $500.


    ';Artmaster Studios produced many paintings signed Ferrante among others (not the same as De Ferrante). I recently saw a painting on an auction site signed Ferrante which the seller represented as Mario De Ferrante, but it was not his signature. (Caveat Emptor is always the rule of eBay.)

    I do not know the history of Artmaster but I do know that both Artmaster and Vanguard Studios (which by the way was started in the 60's by Lee Reynolds Burr) were both acquired by Interiors, Inc. of NY.

    In the late 90's Interiors, Inc. merged the Artmaster subsidiary into the Vanguard subsidiary. The Artmaster name was dropped in lieu of Vanguard.

    I do not have a list of all the artists from Artmaster, but a couple I recall are Ferrante and Huntington. As with many commercial studios, the art is decent quality.

    Many of the Vanguard artists from the early days (under the tutelage of Lee Reynolds) went on to their own solo careers.';

    How d0 u use oil paints?

    do u use it just like arcylic ?

    and which one is better for a portriat oil or arcylic?How d0 u use oil paints?
    You need to thin it, in most cases.

    With a medium, or just plain linseed oil.A bit like how you use water with watercolours.

    You do generally need alot more space, and a ventilated area. As brush cleaners can be pretty potent.

    Its much easier to blend, and takes ages to dry, unlike acrylic. Meaning you can mix colours on the canvas, and not worry too much about mixed colours drying out.

    They're very different, oils take quite a while to get used to, but I much prefer them to acrylics now.How d0 u use oil paints?
    When i decided to learn how to paint with oils i started by studying library art books and art magazines. My work can be checked out at under artist name GUERRO1. I think oils are really great for portrait painting, it's slow drying time allows you to work the paint and make corrections if you have to. With acrylics if you make a mistake and it dries, going back is pretty much just covering a mistake.

    I have this old oil base painting with the name ';W Alexander';. Does anyone have any idea what it is worth?

    Is the style of art similar to the artwork at the following link?

    If so, it may be worth a couple of hundred. He used to teach his painting techniques on television and was actually bob Ross's teacher. Bob went off on his own and the rest is Bob hit it big and had fans coming out of the woodwork!

    They're both good in their own right.

    It, I hat to say, probably isn't worth as much as you may think though.

    IF, the painting looks a bit more like those found at the following link:鈥?/a>

    then I'd have to say that it'd be worth a whole lot more!

    I hope I was able to help you!



    How do I rehabilitate a bathroom where latex paint has been slopped on top of oil-based enamel without primer?

    The 'speedy' contractor sprayed a little texture and then painted. It's already peeling in spots, and no one's even had a shower, yet. Do I have to sand the whole bathroom? Are there any shortcuts to this process? The only place the paint seems to be sticking is where he dripped it on the shower grout.How do I rehabilitate a bathroom where latex paint has been slopped on top of oil-based enamel without primer?
    Unfortunately, sanding the whole place down is the only real option. Sand well and skim coat wherever necessary.

    Anyone that tells you that there are other options is telling you less than the truth. In the end any other option will wind up costing you more to fix than the proposed solution is worth.

    To skim coat is to lightly patch over any scratches, holes and etc., with a good joint compound. Sand with a fine grit to blend in well. An inexpensive, hand held (small) orbital sander will do the job well for you. Use 100 grit and higher to ensure you don't tear any part of the wall board/gypsum. Wear a dust mask (and goggles if you can) when sanding.

    Paint with at least a semi-gloss. Oil or Latex is fine. Do NOT use spackle in a Bathroom.How do I rehabilitate a bathroom where latex paint has been slopped on top of oil-based enamel without primer?
    ACtually you can use latex paint in the bathroom provided that you prep the area properly. They make latex paint designed specifially for bathrooms.

    As for the texture, depending on what he used, you might be able to wet the area and scrape it off.

    prime everything really well before you repaint which should prevent repeeling.

    and ask the advice of the people at the paint store.
    Well, you could sand the whole bathroom, but, if you do it by hand it will be physically difficult and take forever. If you use some sort of power-tool sander, you may damage the paper layer of the drywall.

    After going through quite an ordeal with a bathroom reno in my home, I'm inclined to tear the drywall down and put new stuff up the next time I run into a serious paint/tile problem.
    that contractor really gave ypu the run around. You aren't supposed to put on latex because of the moisture in the bathroom. Like the above person said you will have to sand it down completely.
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